For Pay by Credit card

1. Login to your control panel > Account > Financial documents



2.  Please click Open and Pending orders then select order ID and click "pay"



3. Select payment Method to "Credit card (REMISE)

4. Fill-in your credit card information.


If you set 3D secure auth on your credit card, please fill in your password on this display.


* For Pay by Paypal

1. Please select "paypal"

2. It shows this message and forward to Paypal site automatically

*Please unblock popup windows if another window does not show.

3. Please check your order details then login to Paypal account and proceed the payment as per direction.


*It will take while to complete the prder, so please do not proceed the payment for the same order ID.
*Please check your credit card expiration date regurally. If your credit card will be expired your order will not be renewed automatically.
*It would be failed to proceed the payment for some reason, in this case please contact to our support ([email protected]).