1. Access the web control panel of FileBox.

It can be accessed in two ways as below.

  • Enter the URL below in the web browser.

  • Login to the Tsukaeru control panel, then select the desired service from [My Services] page in [Services] menu. 

    FileBox accessed from here will be displayed as [Standard] or [Advanced].
    Then click [Log in to control panel] below the [Manage] tab.

    If a popup to allow/deny locational data, selet either option.

2. If you are a user that login for the first time, reset the password on step 3.

If you have the password set already, you can login to the control panel by correctly entering the username(mail adress) and the password.

3. How to reset the password :

  1.  After step 1, Click [Forgot your password?] at the login screen.

  2. Enter your email adress and click [SUBMIT], to send a password reset email to the email adress you have entered earlier.
    * The expiary for the password reset url is 24hrs after it is created.

  3. Click the url in the password reset mail, and create a new password.

    * If you enter the incorrect password 5 times in a row. your account will be locked.
    In that case, please take a few moment and try again.

Click here to view various settings avaible in web control panel.