<If your control panel differs from the screenshots, please go to this article.> 

  1. Log in to control panel.
  2. Choose "Cloud Servers" from the left hand side menu.
    Click in "ADD NEW SERVER".

  3. Choose parameters of a new server and click "NEXT".
    If you choose custom server configuration you can adjust specific parameters of the server.

  4. On the next page you can change network settings of the server. Click "FINISH" when everything is in order to create the server.
    Warning: Server Name cannot be changed once the server is created!
    Note: Unfortunatelly we do not provide IPv6 addresses,

  5. Initial root/Administrator password for the server will be set up randomly and sent to your email address. 


Windows servers are of the VM type and so user is responsible for the updates. For safety, after first accessing Windows server please run Windows Update to install latest security updates.